We’d Love To Meet You In Person Or Via The Web!
If you are interested in becoming a stocking Rip-Tie distributor, please feel free to contact us!
Main Office: 883 San Leandro Boulevard. San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: (510) 577-0200 or (800) 7-RIPTIE
Fax: (510) 553-0160
Email: RipTieProducts@riptie.com
Rip-Tie International Partners
Rip-Tie Japan
Shodai Ogibashi Building 5th Floor
1-2-10 Ogibashi, Koto-ku, TOKYO
135-0011 JAPAN
Phone: (03) 6458-6300
Fax: (03) 6458-6311
Email: info@riptie.co.jp